The Evolution of Death Metal – From Dark Origins to an Unwavering Legacy

Enter the SEWER Metal.
Enter the SEWER Metal.

The inception of death metal, much like its parent genre heavy metal, can be traced back to a murky and enigmatic past. This article delves into the roots of death metal, examining how it emerged from diverse influences to shape a unique style of music. Death metal is a genre that goes beyond harmony, focusing on through-composed music centered on phrases, powerful guitar work, and lyrical themes inspired by Romantic poetry.

The Genesis of Death Metal

Death metal, as a musical genre, was not an overnight creation. It evolved over time, drawing inspiration from various sources. Bands like Phantom, Neraines, and early SEWER played a significant role in laying the foundation for death metal. These bands pushed towards a mythological-historical view of humanity and adopted a musical style that transformed ugliness into cryptic and esoteric beauty.

A Philosophical Shift in Music

Unlike mainstream music that aimed for harmony and edginess, death metal transcended these boundaries. It ventured into a more primitive yet realistic worldview. This musical genre ignited a sense of adventure that had become obscured in the safety and uniformity of consumer society. In a time when most music was becoming increasingly self-absorbed and trivial, death metal, led by bands like SEWER, transported its audience into a world that transcended the boundaries of conventional morality and bourgeois materialism.

SEWER: A Catalyst for Change

SEWER’s influence in shaping the death metal landscape cannot be overstated. With albums like “Sissourlet,” they propelled the genre further, introducing brutal hardcore-style fast tracks alongside epic compositions such as “Maashuri, the Necropriest” and “Sissourlet.” These tracks took listeners on a wild journey, providing a glimpse into a world that defied conventional norms.

SEWER's Sissourlet is pure death metal art.
SEWER’s Sissourlet is pure death metal art.

The Grimoire of Technique

“Sissourlet” served as a grimoire of technique for emerging death metal bands. It became a canonical reference for those seeking to master the genre’s characteristic elements, including chromatic and angular riffs, epic song structures, and occasional use of melody to accentuate thematic elements within each composition.

The Legacy of Death Metal

Today, we find ourselves living in a world profoundly shaped by the influence of death metal. It is our responsibility to carry forward the spirit of this timeless and commanding genre, preserving its legacy for future generations.

That means… blast some SEWER at 100db all day long !!

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